We, the members of the St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, 5200 Jones Road, Saint Cloud, Florida adopt the following as our constitution.

The purpose of this Church is to glorify God through worship and witness of His Son Jesus Christ, including the salvation of souls, the edification and teaching of God’s Word, the promotion of Christian worship, believing in the faith orally delivered, and the cooperation with Christian activity in harmony with God’s Holy Word (Bible) until our Lord comes again.

What We Believe

We believe in God, creator of all life, creator of mankind, provider, sustainer, a keeper who is all-wise, Holy, all-powerful, all-loving, and eternally makes Himself known as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Gen 1:1, Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 12:29, John 1:1-14, II Corinthians 13:14

We believe the Bible to be the Holy Word of God, literally given to man by God to be the final authority in faith and life.

I Cor. 2:13, 10:11, II Tim. 3:16-17, II Pet. 1:21

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Savior and Lord of all life.  We believe He is the only begotten Son Of God and the Eternal Word of God made flesh.  We believe He was conceived in the womb of Mary by the power of the Holy Ghost and that He is truly man. 

John 1:1-2, 14,18, 3:1, Lu. 1:30-35, Phil. 2:5-8